Friday, October 23, 2015

Aum Sri Sairam

Athirudra maha yagna, Narathiri homa and Durga puja Celebrations @ SSG

Dear fellow embodiments of Sai,

It had been a wonderful, extraordinary eleven-day celebrations at  Sathya Sai Grama, consisting of Athirudra maha yagna, Narathiri homa and Durga puja. We were told that it was for the first time that Athirudra maha yagna was performed during  Dasara. In the evenings, Bhagavatha pravachanam by Badri Narayanan, an alumnus for SSSIHL, has touched everybody's heart, including Bhagavans. Swami told one day after the pravachanam by Badri that Badri had been able to mesmarize Swami by telling Him, His own stories. The most extraordinary part of the celebrations was the declaration by Swami himself the beginning of "Sathya Yuga" soon after the "poornahuthi" of the yagna, that is 23rd Oct, 2015. He also explained in His discourse what it means. Instead of getting a second hand poor description of the events I request each one of you to visit

 If you can't  find time to see all, atleast watch the last day evening proceedings.
I am sure you will be as much thrilled as those present here.
May we all with our love for Swami and His creation find a place on His flight into the new yuga and experience that divinity in us. Love.